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Writer's pictureKellushia Chung

Sustainable Life Hacks For Even Non-Beginners

As a consumer what is it that you are consuming? In order to know where you are going you first need to know where you have been.

As a consumer what is it that you are consuming? In order to know where you are going you first need to know where you have been.

Naturally most of our waste actually come from the food we eat.

I am going to give you a general idea of what you can do to double down on your waste completely. If you read the title you can see that this post will not only be for beginners.

Even as a Pro Zero Waste minimalist there are times when I need to refresh and get me self straight.

So if you are a beginner or pro this is still right for you.

Start With Your Trash

First start with your trash, I say this because this is the only way you can evaluate what you throw and try to find a zero waste option.

While looking through your trash ( Recycling bin) you will see what you throw out more often.

So after having a picture of your waste you can start indicating on your shopping list, so you know these are the things that carry a lot of waste and your trying to find a Zero waste option.

While the grocery story in my opinion is one of the hardest place to avoid was or a lump some off plastic. I would advise you to carry your own reusable packaging.

Such as :

Remember the items you highlighted on your list are items you need to find alternatives for. I for example use to buy small cherry tomatoes my alternative was fresh large ground tomato

Think about buying these smaller tomatoes you need packaging to keep them together. Its okay to buy them but remember to bring your own. Essentially buying the bigger tomatoes they will last you longer and most times are cheaper.

Because plastics are our main concern and what we are trying to get rid of carrying your own packaging is key.

Instead of grabbing a bag of salad buy if fresh. Buy doing this we will create little to no waste.

Zero Waste Beauty

While this seem impossible it isn't , it also is harder I have to admit my transition is still not completed but I have come a very far way.

On place that have been helping me is and the package free shop.

Shopping for beauty products is hard whether you are looking to go zero waste or not. First you need to look at all your beauty product and measure the level of loyalty you have for that brand.

Check to see if that brand you like have a more sustainable option. If not try and find a more sustainable option or try DIY'ing those products.

Some of the substitutes I have made are :

Changing my tooth Brush

Change from body wash to handmade bar soap

DIY toothpaste or a more sustainable option

It's okay if you can't change everything at once, It's okay to go slow. Remember that going zero waste is to generally buy less. You don't need to throw anything out when an item is finish try to find use for the packaging when your done and then you can go a head and do you #zerowasteswap


Everyones lifestyle is different so your carbon foot print might be different from another person however what ever swap you are making should fit your lifestyle. If it doesn't then you are on a fast track to being a tosser again!

Be prepared !

When you are going outside it is good to carry your reusable stuff with you. When I started my zero waste journey I tend to always forget my reusable bags my goal is to save money and spending 5 cents on bags is just not fun for me.

So I put them in my car or handbag so I never run out.

You can hang your bags at the door way in your home because if it is out of sight I might be out of mind, because we always tend to buy spontaneously.

Bring A Water Bottle & Your Own Cutlery

This is one that got me so excited. Bring water bottle remind me to always bring water 😄When I think about it we use a lot of single (use plastic ) when we go out things like: Forks, spoons, straws, cups and more

Have your cutlery will make a huge different and you will be able to refuse more.

I use Jungle Culture utensils.

Eating Less Meat

I personally didn't cut meat out of my diet immediately I started of with having meatless Mondays and now I am up to 3 days with out eating meat at all. Remember this is all a journey and I don't want you to completely go #caveman #cavewman

Why eat less meat?

This is good for the our ecosystem

You can also try bringing your own lunch to work or school that will save you money , reduce your waste because you are using your own plate and cutlery, and can also be a more healthier option.

Remember it is your lifestyle and the goal for blog post is to guide you and show you different ways how you can save $$ and reduce waste.

This lifestyle also require you to keep up to date with the latest eco news and learn as you go along. I learn through podcast, books and the news.

Don't for get to check out the free resources here to help you even more.

I hope this post was able to help or guide you staring your zero waste journey , feel free to email or DM me on instagram with any questions you may have.

Remember effort is better than nothing at all because if half the world was trying to do what we are doing our planet would be happier.

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