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Writer's pictureKellushia Chung

19 Productivity Hacks that Actually Work - Habits to Make Your Day Super Productive

Ever since I was growing up my mom always told me that a good morning routine sets a good foundation to a great day. This has been living with me for years and it is some thing I want to teach my children as well and I am honored to share this information with you.

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This is not created by me this saying is ancient but along with it I will give you a list of thing or tasks you could do to make your day even more productive.

I can tell you this for months I have been finding my self getting up and the first thing I do is turn to my phone and scroll mindlessly through my instagram account and negative news that only stress me out.

Normally immediately after my eyes get puffy and I have a bad headache. Can you relate?

This is no way good for anyone especially if you are looking to be more productive these days.

The actions you take first thing in the morning can impact the rest of your day drastically.

You are here for a reason and we are about to get in to the good stuff. These are things that has helped me to get out of my old rotten morining patterns.

Looking to change your old dirty habits your in the right place!

You already know what I am about to say but let me say it any ways…………….. “ lets dive in”

1. Don’t Rush Your Self,

Start Slow

Change takes time you might be eggar to change and get use to your new routine base on healthline studies show

that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days for a new behavior to become automatics after.

To avoid any last-minute resistance and overwhelm, be sure to start slow.

Do not rush your self enjoy the process of change ……. (Let me allow that to sink in )

Pro Tip 😊

Take things one step at a time and keep things simple. You can start by implementing at least one thing from the list I will give below rather than doing everything one time.

2. Stop Snoozing

I am typically at the point where I am so excited for my alarm to beep. This is the girl who hated waking up early or just hated waking up to do anything.

If you hate your alarm and enjoy snoozing you need to stop. Think about it, this is only bad for you in the long run.

You might have to go to work at 2 and you keep snoozing until 1 o clock and getting up that time to commute to work and do everything is just in a rush and you eventually feel overwhelmed and even more tired and remember you where sleeping g for the whole day.

Not snoozing give you time to implement a good morning routine and may allow you time to do something positive that can benefit you in the long run.

It’s time to say goodbye to your snooze button, forever. If you want to growth physically, mentally and emotionally.

Also if you keep snoozing how are you going to implement a morning routine anyways.

Think about it !

3. Drinking Lemon Water

This is something fairly new to me but it has been working. Before you implement this in your routine consult with your doctor to see if this is safe for you to do. There may be some pros and cons for lemon in your water base on age, and condition.

Once it is safe for you to do …….Start your day of with a tall nice glass of lemon water, to give you more energy.

There are plenty of cleansing properties in lemons, which will flush out toxins and waste lying around in your system.

You might need to stay close to a toilet …..haha

4. Eat A Healthy Breakfast

Oh yes!

I learnt this the hard way, I use to think a breakfast was what cause me to be lazy in the morning but it was all in my head. You body depend on food for energy and so many other nutrients to keep you healthy and glowing.

I don’t have to tell you this, but breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day.

The moment I started eating a health breakfast everything change I no longer felt lazy during the days and I feel more energized.

As cheesy as this sounds and as tired as you are of hearing it – it couldn’t be truer.

Start your day by eating a solid and nourishing breakfast that’ll keep you full until lunch.

5. No Social Media

Social media is the true devil in the morning.

It will rob you of the creative energy flow that you’ve built up overnight and turn it into something much less useful.

Social media use also goes hand and hand with its buddy procrastination.

Stop the meaningless scrolling – at least wait until lunch.

It’s me-time now.

6. Read More

Spend your peaceful mornings reading the book you’ve always wanted to read but never had the time to.

Reading can be very meditating, plus you’ll learn something new.

If you read 10 pages a day, you’ll finish a book in one month.

That’s 12 books a year from just reading 10 pages every morning.

My favorite book right now is I Hope This Helps by Nakeia Homer

7. Drink More Water

After you’ve chugged the lemon water – have some more water.

Your body needs to replenish after being dehydrated for 7-8 hours.

You can’t have enough water and it will give you the energy you need to take action.

8. Move it On Up!

Move your body and get that blood pumping.

Get your workout out of the way, so you don’t have to think about it in the evening (when you’re too tired anyway).

It doesn’t have to take long and you don’t even have to go through the struggle of going to the gym.

For example:

  • Go for a brisk walk

  • Do a set of star jumps by your bed as soon as you get up

9. Burn Incense Or Diffuse Essential Oils

Set the mood and burn incense or diffuse essential oils.

It’ll make your home smell like a spa, and who doesn’t love a good spa atmosphere?

Plus, it will definitely up the game of your self-care routine.

Lavender is a great essential oil to get started with – it soothes, relaxes and calms.

10. Make Your Bed

Things to do in the morning does not have to be complicated at all.

A simple action like making your bed can do wonders for your mental health.

Why not get this out of the way first thing? It will help you to feel more organized and productive – plus, it will look nice.

12. Listen To An AudiobookOr Podcast That Motivates You

Listen to an audiobook on audible or your favorite podcasts to inspire you to start the day on a happy and inspired note.

13. Learn Something New

If there has ever been something that you really wanted to learn, this is the time.

Watch a tutorial on Youtube, learn a new language, or educate yourself on a preferred topic.

20 minutes every morning can make such a big difference!

14. Plan Your Mornings Dot To The Dot

Get your planning done before you go to bed.

That way, you’ll know exactly what’s on the agenda for your morning routine. You don’t have time for decision-making, you need to take action and get to work.

Write down the results you want to achieve in a given timeframe on your calendar.

My favorite planning tools are google calendar & planner

15. Open The Blinds First Thing

You need that daylight, girl.

Getting ready for the day in the dark is not a good idea.

We need that sunshine and daylight to kick our circadian clock into gear.

If we expose ourselves to daylight first thing in the morning, it lets our brain know it’s time to focus, concentrate and start the day.

Create Something

You are at your most creative in the morning. Use this time to create something. it can be anything.

  • Doodle on a piece of paper

  • Journal

  • Write freely about a dream you had

  • Draft your business plan

  • And so on..

17. Ask Your Mind Supportive Questions

Ask your mind a positively charged and future-focused question that supports you.

For example:

  • How can I make today amazing?

  • How can I love more today?

  • How can I be happier?

  • What is one thing I can do this morning to move forward with my goal?

18. Meditate

Last by not least – start your day in the most peaceful way possible – by meditating.

Free your mind from the chaos and everything else that’s going on in your life and focus on your breathing.

5 minutes a day is better than nothing at all.

Start slow and you’ll be on your way. It’s called a meditation practice for a reason. Start today and it will change your life and help boost your creativity and decrease anxiety.

Remember that there is no right way to meditate, so you can’t mess up.

Sit in silence and focus on your breathing.

I hope this blog post was helpful remember to leave a comment to keep the conversation going. you never know who your comment could help.

Love Kelly



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