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Writer's pictureKellushia Chung

A 101 Lesson on Climate Change And How Conscious Consumption Is Key

Know all this before you start living your sustainable lifestyle. Supply your mental head space with the information it needs to keep you on track with living a healthier non toxic life while protecting our planet.

I have tried to live this lifestyle before and trying try encourage my family to stay on the sustainable life track but it wasn't as easy as I thought. With life and everything in it and all the responsibilities the last thing any body want to do is go green. When that should not be the case.

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Here me out! I don; t expect you to go stone age overnight. However knowing why you will start this lifestyle is the only way you will want to stay on track in tough times.

If you have been egar to come back to my blog it must be for a reason. I am not like the others out there who only talk about fashion and lookming yoiur best. Really this is not the place for it because of the end of the day looking good won't protect out planet.

We need to educate our self so that we know where to go from here.

If you have reach this far lets dive in....

Do you know exactly what is wrong with our planet?

Incase you didn't know you are in the right place. Our Planet is in deep trouble! Why? You must have heard about the phase "global warming" either in the latest news or back in high-school.

Greenhouse gases are a group of compounds that are able to trap heat (longwave radiation) in the atmosphere, keeping the Earth's surface warmer than it would be if they were not present. The more heat they trap, the warmer our planet gets. The domino effect is a little something called climate change - which is happening because of this abrupt increase in the.

Before the Industrial Revolution, about 80% of the world's population was engaged in farming (AKA the Agricultural Revolution). Manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using hand tools or basic machines.

The increased production with the use of machines and and adoption of the factory system. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have created some amazing advancements including the telephones, cars and air planes. But it also means that we've increased consumption of natural resources and in turn released a lot of green house gases into the atmosphere which is detrimental to the environment but also our personal health.

Green house gases occur naturally but in excess it's proven dangerous. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from combusting fossil fuels are the main driver of global warming. With increased population, over consumption and a culture of disposability, we have garnered a heighten demand for burning dirty fossil fuels in order to produce more and more and more. One of climate changes' biggest victims, is our ocean.

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climate change has increased the global temperature of the Ocean. A warmer ocean has devastating consequences.

As the ocean gets warmer, it swells and of course glaciers and ice caps are melting. Since 1994, each year on average, the Earth has lost 400 billion tons from its glaciers. The chain reaction (like filling up a bathtub), is that coastal regions are continuously get flooded. Increased extreme weather events and natural disasters. The devastating Hurricane Katrina is a horrific but very real example of global warming.

A hugely challenging concept for people to understand is that climate change refers to the long term changes to the planet’s climate. The changes are slow but the ramifications are massive and permanent. It's important now more than ever to educate yourself on this. We literally only have on planet - so every effort to reduce, reuse, recycle and consume consciously is critical.

we push for making small changes in your day to day life. We encourage any small step to omit activities that contribute to greenhouse gases or that off set your negative contribution with a positive one.



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